Empowering adults with developmental disabilities to succeed 

Each year we provide over 13,000 hours of employment assistance and 13,000 hours of community inclusion services to our clients.


Our mission

To empower adults with disabilities to engage in their community through advocacy, employment and education.

What we do


As one of the largest providers for south King, Pierce and Thurston counties, Centerforce serves approximately 200 individuals with disabilities through the King County Community and Human Services, Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Support Division (DDECSD); Pierce County Human Services, Developmental Disabilities; Thurston County Public Health and Social Services, Thurston/Mason Counties Developmental Disabilities and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR).

Centerforce works with these individuals in four service areas throughout south King, Pierce and Thurston counties:

  • Individual Employment

  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Community-Based Assessment, Trial Work Experience and Job Placement

  • Individual Learning Services: Evaluation, Skills Training and Work-Related Access Plans

  • School-To-Work, Job Foundations and Summer Internship programs

These services assist our clients in becoming independent members of our community. We provide direct face-to-face support needed to strengthen the clients’ relationship and actions within the local community.


Centerforce’s services offer individuals an opportunity to learn, practice and apply life skills that promote greater independence, community inclusion, and enhance quality of life and engagement in their community.

Centerforce works with these individuals in four service areas throughout south King, Pierce and Thurston counties:

  • Community Access

  • Community Engagement

  • Respite

  • Specialized Habilitation

With a wide variety of community integration services, our community advocates are just a call away. It’s important to support our community to be more active; enjoy recreational activities such as movies, bowling; or participate in other fun activities like cooking, art projects or volunteering. 

In my 25 years of working with other businesses, Centerforce is a rare gem and I wish more companies could be like you guys! You are a super power team! If I had team members like the ones you have, it would be a company full of advocates and people who truly believe in dignity and respect. My son and I have your whole team behind us and I thank you for that.
— Parent of a client

Become a partner

Working with employers in our community is part of the core of our mission — and why we have been helping secure employment in this region for more than 50 years. Want to be part of this successful partnership? Talk to us about how we can find the right employee for you — and how you can impact the lives of these individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Get on board

Seeking community members to lead our nonprofit

Centerforce board members 2021

Some of the duties of our board members: 

• Serve a three-year term

• Attend regular meetings, board retreats, special events

• Approve policies, procedures and regulations for the operation of Centerforce 

• Monitor finances, programs and performance

• Develop networks with community agencies and businesses

Our values:

• Commit to serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

• Responsible for the stewardship of agency resources

• Support and promote Centerforce’s core values.

• Embrace the highest professional ethics and values in all our marketing and business transactions, contractual relationships and human resources actions.

In the news

City of Tacoma’s CityLine featured our Individual Employment Program Manager Christina and Centerforce client Sharon in recent interview.

Northwest Now’s Chris Anderson featured our Centerforce clients in a Digital First segment on KBTC Public Broadcasting.